Category Policy 268 articles to read

House Committee on Human Services

The committee met at the Edinburg Conference Center at Renaissance to receive public testimony on Interim Charge 2: Review the history and any future roll-out of Medicaid Managed Care in…
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House Select Committee on Opioids & Substance Abuse: Charge 6

Meeting Summary. The Select Committee met on August 7 to consider the following 2 interim charges (Charge 6 and Charge 8): Charge 6: Examine the impact of substance abuse and substance use disorders on Texans who are involved in the adult or juvenile criminal justice system and/or the Child Protective Services system. Identify barriers to treatment and the availability of treatment in various areas of the state. Recommend solutions to improve state and local policy, including alternatives to justice system involvement, and ways to increase access to effective treatment and recovery options.  Charge 8: Identify the specialty courts in Texas that specialize in substance use disorders. Determine the effectiveness of these courts and consider solutions to increase the number of courts in Texas. This report addresses only Charge 6. Invited testimony only.
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House Committee on Human Services

Meeting Summary. The committee met to continue hearings on Interim Charge 2, an overview of Medicaid managed care. Also, to discuss recent information reported by the Dallas Morning News regarding Medicaid managed care and the Health and Human Services Commission. The committee heard invited testimony only. As background, The Dallas Morning News published a series of articles related to Texas Managed Care. The multipart investigation from J. David McSwane and Andrew Chavez looks into the way Texas treats fragile people who rely on Medicaid, the government insurance program for the poor and disabled. This collection includes initial reporting and coverage of the reaction by lawmakers and the public.
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HHS Transition Legislative Oversight Committee

The Transition Legislative Oversight Committee met on Thursday, May 24, 2018 at 10:00am to hear invited testimony only. A quorum was present. The Committee was established in 2015 by the…
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House Select Committee on Opioids and Substance Abuse: Parts I and II

Meeting Summary. The Select Committee met to consider testimony on the following interim charge: Monitor and evaluate the implementation of legislation passed by the 85th Legislature regarding the Prescription Monitoring Program. In addition, review the prescribing of addictive drugs by physicians and other health care providers within various geographic regions of this state. Determine the role of health care professionals in preventing overutilization and diversion of addictive prescriptions. Provide recommendations that will improve efforts to prevent overutilization and diversion of addictive prescriptions.
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House Select Committee on Opioids and Substance Abuse

Meeting Summary. The Select Committee met to consider testimony on the following interim charge: Monitor and evaluate the implementation of legislation passed by the 85th Legislature regarding the Prescription Monitoring Program. In addition, review the prescribing of addictive drugs by physicians and other health care providers within various geographic regions of this state. Determine the role of health care professionals in preventing overutilization and diversion of addictive prescriptions. Provide recommendations that will improve efforts to prevent overutilization and diversion of addictive prescriptions.
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House Committee on Human Services

Meeting Summary. The committee met on May 9th to consider the remainder of Interim Charge 2, a review of managed care in Texas. In particular, the committee focused on the following:…
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