House Committee on Public Health

The Committee on public health met to consider:
HB 30 | Hinojosa (deleted from the final notice) - Relating to the transfer of unused long-acting reversible contraceptive products under Medicaid and the Healthy Texas Women program
HB 460 | Shaheen - Relating to the dispensing of certain drugs by physicians.
HB 800 | Howard | et al. - Relating to covered benefits under the child health plan.
HB 1225 | Guillen - Relating to the re-creation of the Chronic Kidney Disease Task Force.
Other bills were considered by the Committee that were not covered by Texas Insight.
Committee on Public Health.
Chair: Rep. Senfronia Thompson
Vice Chair: Rep. John Wray
Rep. Steve Allison
Rep. R. D. "Bobby" Guerra
Rep. Evelina "Lina" Ortega
Rep. J. D. Sheffield
Rep. Garnet Coleman
Rep. James B. Frank
Rep. Eddie Lucio III
Rep. Four Price
Rep. Bill Zedler
HB 30, Hinojosa Relating to the transfer of unused long-acting reversible contraceptiv