IDD SRAC Meaningful Skills Development and Employment Services (MSDES) Subcommittee

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1. Welcome, call to order, introductions, and roll call. The meeting was convened by Berengere Dutra, HHSC, in the absence of the co-chair. 2. Consideration of April 10, 2024, subcommittee draft meeting minutes The minutes were approved as drafted. 3. IDD SRAC MSDES recommendations for HHSC’s legislative annual report on implementation, as required by Texas Government Code, Section 534.054 In the previous meeting it was agreed that a priority list from the 2023 report to draw legislative attention to critical areas for action. This report will have the prioritized issues with a link to the full list of recommendations. The DRAFT Document the subcommittee worked from is presented below. 2024 IDD System Redesign Advisory Committee Priority Recommendations Executive Summary People with intellectual developmental disabilities (IDD) rely on a system of community-based services to live successfully in their homes. The 88th Legislature did not fund the supports neces

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