Intellectual and Developmental Disability System Redesign Advisory Committee

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Intellectual and Developmental Disability System Redesign Advisory Committee advises on the implementation of the acute care services and long-term services and supports system redesign for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Recording and playback difficulties were encountered in producing this report impacting on the completeness of the report. Welcome and introductions. The meeting was convened by the Chair, Carol Smith Consideration of IDD-SRAC recommendations for the annual legislative report on the implementation of acute care and long-term service and supports for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. (#2_IDD SRAC 2021 Leg Report Recs_Final DRAFT.pdf ). The above link will connect the reader to the DRAFT Report and Recommendations. The report will be voted out at the next meeting. Members discussed word smiting and clarification of the recommendations. The chairs of the subcommittees laid out the recommendations

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