Intellectual and Developmental Disability System Redesign Advisory Committee (IDD SRAC) Day Habilitation & Employment Services (DHES) Subcommittee

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1. Welcome, call to order, and roll call. The meeting was convened by the co-chair. A quorum was not present. Nonmembers participated freely and openly in the meeting. 2. Consideration of February 8, 2022, and March 29, 2022, IDD SRAC DHES Subcommittee draft meeting minutes. No changes were made to the minutes, but no vote could be taken. 3. Home and Community Based Services settings updates. 3.a. Individualized Skills and Socialization rules,--There is no update for today. 3.b. Statewide Transition Plan—HCBS settings. They have revised the transition plan based on feedback from CMS. They added new information to reflect current HCS activities. The plan was published and was submitted to CMS for the initial approval. CMS had questions about Appendix A. These have been reviewed and revisions have been made. HHSC is continuing to make revisions and will get back with CMS in three weeks. CMS focused on adding detail on policy remediation activities. Once approval is given t

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