Provider Finance Department Stakeholder Engagement Meeting: Acute Care and Long Term Care

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The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) conducted stakeholder engagement meetings on September 14, 2023, to receive comments on Medicaid payment rates that may potentially be addressed at the November 2023 rate hearings. The meetings began at 9:00 a.m. CST. Note: It was not the intent of HHSC to publish proposed rates at this time, and the stakeholder engagement meetings are solely to receive commentary on the topics listed below. Actual rate hearings are targeted for November, 2023. Acute Care Services: Long-Term Services & Supports: Acute Care Services Calendar Fee Review Allergy Tests; Auditory System Surgery; Autism Services; Blood Products; Cardiovascular Services incl. Cardiography & Echocardiography; Clinical Lab; Dialysis Services; Durable Medical Equipment; Ear, Nose and Throat; Gastroenterology; Intravenous Treatment including Chemotherapy; "K" Codes; Male Genital System Surgery; Medicine (

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