HHS Appropriations Side-by-Side: Part 1 – House, Senate, SB1 Conference Committee Report

This report contains a side-by-side overview of House and Senate appropriations decisions for SB 1 prior to the Conference Committee process as well as the Conference Committee's decisions on SB 1. Their decisions have been adopted by both chambers.
Read the report.
This summary contains supplemental information from third-party sources where that information provides clarity to the issues being discussed. Not every comment or statement from the speakers in these summaries is an exact transcription. For the purpose of brevity, their statements are often paraphrased. These documents should not be viewed as a word-for-word account of every meeting or hearing, but a summary. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of these summaries. The information contained in this publication is the property of Texas Insight and is considered confidential and may contain proprietary information. It is meant solely for the intended recipient. Access to this published information by