HHSC: Texas Brain Injury Advisory Council

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The Texas Brain Injury Advisory Council addresses strategic planning, policy, rules and services related to the prevention of brain injury, rehabilitation and the provision of long term services and supports for persons who have survived brain injuries to improve their quality of life and ability to function independently in the home and community. Members appear below. Welcome and Introductions. The meeting was opened by Sally Allen of HHSC and convened by Jane Boutte, Chair. A quorum was not established. Election of Chair and Vice Chair. Tabled until the next meeting. Review and Approve Minutes from January 27, 2020, Meeting. Initially, minutes were not voted on due to the absence of a quorum. After a quorum was established, the minutes were approved as written. Committee Updates Education and awareness and Services and Supports. Patty Foster provided the update. The committee is designed around helping people through the maze of services to improve life after bra

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