House Committee on Human Services: H.B. 72

HB 72 by White | et al., Relating to the continuation of Medicaid benefits provided to certain children adopted from the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services.
LBB Fiscal Note [here]. The fiscal implications of the bill cannot be determined at this time but a significant cost to General Revenue Funds would be expected. Insufficient information is available to determine how many children might be eligible for the benefits identified in the bill.
The bill would require the Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS), subject to the availability of funds, to provide health benefit subsidies on behalf of adopted children who were in the conservatorship of DFPS at the time of the adoptive placement and who are eligible for Medicaid but not receiving benefits. According to DFPS, the number of children eligible for, but not receiving, Medicaid is unknown; therefore, the cost to provide a $150 subsidy on behalf of those children cannot b