House General Investigating and Ethics Committee

The Committee met to consider the following interim charge:
Interim Charge #10: Monitor agencies and programs under the Committee's jurisdiction and oversee implementation of relevant legislation passed by the 85th Legislature: Oversight of the Texas Health and Human Services Commission.
The Committee heard invited testimony only.
The State Auditor’s Office, Audrey O’Neill and Staff.
There were 17 reports related to the Commission from 2016-2018. There is a lot of work that is done at HHSC (by the SAO) because of the size of the budget.
Medicaid managed care and contracting is the focus of their presentation today. They are completing reports that will be made available before the session. Below are high-level summaries of pertinent reports related to the work of the committee.
SAO 18-015 [here]. Superior HealthPlan, Inc. and Superior HealthPlan Network (Superior) accurately reported the approximately $1.9 billion in medical (fee-for-service) claims and prescription