House Committee on Human Services

The committee met to consider the following interim charge:
Monitor the agencies and programs under the Committee’s jurisdiction and oversee the implementation of relevant legislation passed by the 85th Legislature. In conducting this oversight, the committee will also closely monitor the implementation of H.B. 4 (85R), H.B. 5 (85R), H.B. 7 (85R), and S.B. 11 (85R).
Texas Health and Human services Commission. Dr. Courtney N. Phillips Executive Commissioner; Victoria Ford, MPA Chief Policy Officer and Interim Chief Operating Officer; Stephanie Muth, MPA State Medicaid Director; Mike Maples Deputy Executive Commissioner [Presentation here.]
Procurement Update. There is new management within the Procurement & Contracting Services (PCS) Division that has completed an extensive internal review of all stages of current solicitations, practices, and procedures. A new independent Compliance and Quality Control Division was created to provide additional oversight and new procedur