Senate Committee on Health and Human Services

The Committee met to consider the following:
SB 23 Kolkhorst | et al. Relating to enforcement of the rights of a living child born after an abortion; creating a civil cause of action; creating a criminal offense.
SB 170 Perry | et al. Relating to reimbursement of rural hospitals participating in the Medicaid managed care program.
SB 569 Huffman Relating to the regulation of listed family homes.
SB 705 Watson Relating to certain investigation and evaluation information regarding certain child-care facilities, homes, and programs.
SB 706 Watson Relating to an investigation unit within the Health and Human Services Commission for certain unlicensed child-care facilities.
SB 759 Buckingham Relating to pharmacist communications to prescribing practitioners regarding certain dispensed biological products.
SB 781 Kolkhorst Relating to the regulation of residential treatment centers.
SB 821 Nelson Relating to children's advocacy centers
SB 981 Kolkhorst Relating to