The Weekly Insight: December 10

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Texas Insight’s Recent Reports

HHSC: Texas Autism Council. The Committee gathered to hear an update on the implementation of the Medicaid autism services benefit; discuss opportunities for continued stakeholder input on issues impacting individuals with autism and their families; and hear public comment. Follow this link for the full report.

Texas Senate Committee on Health and Human Services: 1115 Waiver. This report covers the following interim charge. Examine the current status and future direction of the following programs: The Texas Healthcare Transformation and Quality Improvement Program Section 1115 Demonstration Waiver, including the DSRIP Transition Plan, and the Healthy Texas Women Section 1115 Demonstration Waiver. Follow this link for the full report.

Looking Ahead

December 11, 2019: Public Health Funding and Policy Committee (PHFPC)

December 11, 2019: STAR Kids Managed Care Advisory Committee

December 12, 2019: State Medicaid Managed Care Advisory Committee

December 13, 2019: Task Force of Border Health Officials Meeting

State and Federal Healthcare News