Category Policy 214 articles to read

Palliative Care Interdisciplinary Advisory Council

Palliative Care Interdisciplinary Advisory Council consults with and advises on matters related to the establishment, maintenance, operation and outcome evaluation of the statewide palliative care consumer and professional information and education…
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Texas School Health Advisory Committee

Texas School Health Advisory Committee provides active leadership in the identification and dissemination of school health best practices and resources for school policy makers. From the DSHS website: The published membership…
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Texas Council on Consumer Direction

Texas Council on Consumer Direction advises on the development, implementation, expansion, and delivery of services through consumer direction, in all programs offering long-term services and supports that enhance a consumer’s ability…
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Perinatal Advisory Council

The Perinatal Advisory Council, created by House Bill 15 of the 83rd Texas Legislature (Regular Session), developed and recommended criteria for designating levels of neonatal and maternal care, including specifying…
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Long-term Care Facilities Council

Long-term Care Facilities Council shall study and make recommendations regarding a more consistent survey and informal dispute resolution process for long-term care facilities, the Medicaid quality-based payment systems for these facilities,…
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e-Health Advisory Committee 

e-Health Advisory Committee advises the HHS executive commissioner and HHS agencies on strategic planning, policy, rules and services related to the use of health information technology, health information exchange systems, telemedicine,…
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